Aeropress Coffee Maker: The Ultimate Guide

The AeroPress coffee maker is one of the more popular brewing devices on the market today. However, it was not an overnight success since it didn’t look like your standard coffee brewing device. Furthermore, a toy company, known for their flying disc, not their coffee, produced it. Yet somehow, the AeroPress overcame adversity and is now one of the world’s most well-known coffee-brewing methods. In fact, the AeroPress coffee maker inspired the World AeroPress Championship (W.A.C.) and is even the subject of a movie – AeroPress Movie.

If you’re like most, you’re likely wondering – how the heck did this happen!? Well, here’s the lowdown…

Origins of the AeroPress Coffee Maker

Aeropress Coffee Maker Camping

The AeroPress is a small, two-tubed, device that can quickly brew a full-bodied cup of coffee. Operating the device is simple – the user simply pushes the water through the puck. Unlike pour-over devices, the AeroPress mimics the technology found in espresso machines. However, human-generated pressure replaces the use of electricity and levers.

The Aeropress coffee maker also employs elements of the French press. However, the AeroPress brewing device has gained far more traction in the specialty coffee industry than the humble French press. Furthermore, the brew time is far shorter and the recommended water temperature is lower.

While the AeroPress coffee maker is a relatively common sight these days, it was most definitely something out of the ordinary when it first hit the market in 2005. Alan Adler, the creator of the AeroPress, put his engineering knowledge to work when he designed the AeroPress. His initial goal was to simply reduce the bitterness in his daily cup of coffee. He achieved this goal by reducing the brew time.

In order to reduce the brew time, he understood that he need to make the most of the pressure used throughout the process. The closed chamber increases the pressure from the “push,” which, in turn, reduces the time needed to brew the coffee. While the original recipe features a short brew time, there are plenty of recipes that require longer brew times today.

Winning Over the Coffee Industry

The specialty coffee industry was skeptical at first. They dismissed the AeroPress as a gimmick rather than a revolutionary coffee brewer.

However, this changed over time. Adler’s AeroPress coffee maker won over the industry with samples brewed with his device and the news began to spread. The proof was literally in the brewed coffee.

It’s important that you understand that there are a ton of brewing devices out there. So, how did the AeroPress make such a big splash in a saturated market?

Adler states that “coffee is a global phenomenon. And various brewing methods have gone global. It helped that the AeroPress brews a very tasty cup in one minute, is self-cleaning, portable, inexpensive, and can be used many different ways.”

One potential reason why AeroPress coffee maker is so popular is that it promotes experimentation. There are a wealth of variables that you can tweak when you brew with the AeroPress: brew time, push time, coffee dose, coffee-to-water ratio, water temperature, and even if you invert the brewer. When you brew with the AeroPress, every adjustment you make alters the final product.

Champion of the World

Aeropress Coffee Maker World Champs

The specialty coffee world has a number of prominent competitions such as the World Barista Championship, the World Brewers Cup Championship, the World Latte Art Championship, and the World Roasting Championship just to name a few.

However, a new event popped up in 2008. Most considered it an irreverent and playful event that nobody thought would catch on. The first-ever World AeroPress Championship (W.A.C.) took place in Oslo, Norway. While the name of the event may sound like a massive event, there were only three competitors in 2008. Tim Varney and Tim Wendelboe hosted the event and continue to host it today.

Much like the AeroPress itself, the competition has grown into a popular and essential part of the coffee championship calendar. In 2018, more than 3,157 teams from 61 countries entered the completion and 68,265 spectators filled the venue.

“Obviously, an AeroPress can be used many ways. Competitors invent new ways and fine-tune existing ways, It’s not likely that a competition could develop around a push-button automatic brewer” –Alan Adler

Adler considers the W.A.C. to be the “people’s championship,” one that anyone can enter, regardless of their resources or access to green coffee. The competition rewards creativity and experimentation, so long as the creativity yields better coffee.

What’s Next for the AeroPress Coffee Maker?

The AeroPress coffee maker has overcome numerous hurdles to become a giant within the coffee industry. However, while it has gained a lot of traction, the device itself has changed very little. Today it is a transparent black instead of the clear plastic of the original model, but if it weren’t for this minor tweak, there are next to no differences between the original model in 2006 and the current version today.

This leaves many wondering…what does the future hold for AeroPress? Adlar has hinted at the possibility of a more portable version, which would be ideal for those who like camping, hitting the market in the near future, but has not provided any additional details.

As for the W.A.C., Adler expects to see it grow in years to come – “We strive to enhance the enjoyment of the participants. That’s our highest priority. his year’s event was extended from one day to two days and the participants all loved the opportunity to socialize”

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